Hello.♥ I'm Sherlynn. JULY 9. Ballet, food, Harry Potter, Katy Perry.

I love ballet, and I have really big dreams which are seemingly impossible. Like the ABT and RBS. :D And i can't wait for the Finale of the Worldwide Phenomenon, DEATHLY HALLOWS to be out! Which will be real soon. ^^

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Fawkes :) Alanis Ariel Charmaine Charlotte Dawn Gina Hester Huien Iylianah Jennifer Jiaxuan Kaixin Leona Linda Melissa Naomi Natasya Vivian Xiaoyan Xinying Wanching Yiting YuThong Zoey

November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010

[Katy Perry ♥♥♥]

Layout is coded by Cia, Blog / Blogskins.
Inspirations from Bloodcast. Banner by The Fading Night
Within 3 days, it disappeared.
Monday, July 26, 2010 @ 4:53 PM
Eewwy Mayflower's being gay this few days. Caz every monday - wednesday we have to assemble in the parade square, that stinks! Only thursday and friday we'll use the hall. Like, seriously, what's wrong with the hall? They're trying to save the electricity for aircons and whatever? I would rather they off the aircons on Monday - Wednesday then sit in the parade square.

Yuckkk so gay. But since today it was raining in Mayflower, we had to assemble in the class, ahhh i want the hall. :( Geeeez. Then after morning assembly, we had PE. Wow we got to use the ISH (Indoor sports hall), omg so cool. But we were doing gymnastic there. -.-

and what, PE teacher wanted us to do a short performance, but well, my group did them after school, it wasn't really planned well though. Haha. So after school we went out for lunch, ate in KFC. HAHA, all the funny pictures are uploaded already anyway. And jiaxuan was being disgusting, she did "experiment" with the food. Lol.

And then she used my cell to take those ugly pictures of us, haha, the witch damn funny, made me and tissue rofl. Lol we really ROFL. BAHAHAHA. Stomach cramp, sore throat (?!). :P

Crap, i just realized today, that common tests is next week!:O

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Omigoshh you stole my.. :O
Saturday, July 24, 2010 @ 7:14 PM

Ok i just got back from ballet, it wasn't that bad though, caz we didn't do character and free movement. (Y)! And we didn't do barre exercises, port de bras I, II, pas de bourre, :( But instead we did petite allegro! D:

That stinks, :( caz i wanna do port de bras I, II, like so badly. But good thing, we did the classical dance. And I think sorta like hurt my foot, caz i've been on demi pointe for like quite a long time. Feels like your nerve has "broken".

Teacher also mentioned that she'll be having new classes for CSTD grade 6. OMG CSTD, i always wanted to learn CSTD. So i might be joining, but it's whether or not i'm qualified to. :(

Lol ok now it's like 2124 hours, and I'm done having my dinner. And mom said maybe i could join Crestar School of dance for CSTD. and omg there's ISTD there too! :D But well, i only want CSTD, for their certs haha.

And tomorrow going ballet again, omg yipeeee, and i seriously need new leotards! :O

Omg? you declined it, all? :(

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Starting to like band?
@ 11:25 AM
Hmm let's post about today. Racial harmony day/ Be-yourself-day. Bahaha for once, I think band was fun, and extremely hilarious. I'm still glad they and she, never come. :)

and omg i just remembered that yesterday was be-yourself-day. Oh well, i wore the kimono, and it's like soo damn hot, and we only had homec, chinese, history lessons. Then it was the "tour" around other classes, which was pretty shit. Caz it's like so hot, and we had to squeeze through the crowd, -.-

After that was assembly, then went for band. Omg it's fun, caz we weren't with the seniors, lol for me I think playing with full band is like, pretty stress. Caz i also can't play those stuffs in IR. :(

And there were only 3 clarinet players, who came. Haha and all can't play the number 3 thing. And omg landmark overture is killing me, i can't remember the fingerings! :O :L Bahaha lucky those 2 guys also can't play. :)

Woo ballet later, I'm excited and a little worried. Caz of the "new" character dance. Psst, i dunno the spelling. Cyaa!

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Monday, July 5, 2010 @ 5:36 PM
YAY it's JULY! Heheh you know right? :P Birthdays arriving. And zomg thanks for the early birthday surprise from Anastasia, Charlotte, Renee, and Heidi. And the gifts too! <3
So yeah the party was on Saturday, after ballet. At Elaine's house, caz we decided to celebrate together, since it's a day gap. Hmm, shall not elaborate, lazy. Bahahah.

And I saw immitation last week, was sooo happy. :D But still its gonna leave sooner or later. It's CONFIRMED. :( And imma gonna transfer too, dads been talking to ISS's principal, and they said 60% chances of getting in, caz my dads working overseas and moms a foreigner.

But thing is, if I really transfer out, given my age, I'll be under high school, instead of middle school. And the school is frikin far, in Alexandra Road. OMGOSH right.

Oh and imma gonna go to hk on 8th july, Elaine's birthday. :( And i'll also miss the drama performance, and saturdays ballet, which is like so crucial! :( :( omg how, heard that she's going to go through classical dance for exam in april. how how how. i hope she forgets, and do it the next next week. :P

and yea, ive gotten formspring, overnight, haha. aite, ask me a question yea. Skydancingg

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